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酷播网提供影视作品史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林高清全集在线观看的影视全集网,动画片《史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林》全集作品的导演是雷蒙德·S·佩尔西   ,由内详  主演,史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林在豆瓣的评分为nan,本片由小编于2024-02-21 22:20更新,希望大家喜欢,可以把《史努比特辑:欢迎回家,富兰克林》推荐给你朋友,本作品的地址为 https://www.cctvkb.com/v/221750.html


The origin story for one of Peanuts' most beloved characters, Franklin, follows how he approaches making new friends. Franklin's family is always on the move with his dad's military job, and everywhere he goes Franklin finds support in a notebook filled with his grandfather's advice on friendship. But when Franklin tries his usual strategies with the Peanuts gang, he has troubl...
